Hi and welcome to my site! I'm Inori and this is my little corner on the world wide web.
This is a hobby project coded by the hands of a teenager looking to express themselves through colors,art,graphics and codes! ★Please don't take graphics from this site! It takes a while to resource them o((x ω x ))o
Check out the Sitemap and find a web-page that catches your eye!
I mainly use this site as a little digital journal, artistic outlet and just to occupy my free time with background music and coding. this site is cat-approved, if you dislike cats leave !!!
☆ 8/19/22 - lol delicious pudding
8/19/22 - Changed sum pics
8/18/22 - Lots of changes, new site map, updated about me page,shrine index + pompompurin shrine, digital journal, a plushie room,art page is almost finished,a little game i made for fun,a manga collection page and some other small changes! check out the site map for a directory of every page on this site ^_^
8/7/22 - I have added an Web Blog and an Graphics page,i'm mostly excited to write for my new blog! o((x ω x ))o its currently empty in entries but i'll try to post one this week :D
8/3/22 - The layout is pretty much finished, i've added more to the bottom, the header is resized as it took up most of the screen,about me page is up,archive page is up(view on the navigation bar!) Happy with how it turned out!
8/2/22 - Revamped the bottom half of the website as it didnt rlly look how i wanted it to, theres more coming soon!
8/2/22 - New homepage!! I like how this looks sm. I tried a different theme and layoutting [?] for once and I really like what i did with it!I'm turning this into a personal blog more than an art project now, and I think I did a good job with it.
I have some more ideas I want on the homepage which ill be releasing soon enough!
anime grl graphic by 2myuu